I decided before I got on the train this morning that since that would probably bum me out terribly, I needed some inspiration. I visited the Cooper Hewitt to see their exhibition Design For The Other 90%. I was a bit disappointed to find that it was outside in the garden and it was quite small. Not worth going. Honestly the website is better than the actual exhibit. However, I got a second look at Cooper Hewitt's Design Triennial, which was excellent- again.

Then I subwayed over to the Art Director's Club where they had their 86th Annual Awards Gala. I really enjoyed it. My favorites included a book called Miscellaneous Crap. Basically this person has a box of junk, photographed it, and then categorized it all in the book. The book is dedicated to "the [however many] millions of Americans with OCD." I also enjoyed Icons for 42 Below Vodka. (shown above) They're wonderfully dirty and hilarious. Plus, I just freaking love icons.
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